
commonroad-geometric (crgeo) is a Python framework that facilitates deep-learning based research projects in the autonomous driving domain, e.g. related to behavior planning and trajectory prediction. At its core, it provides a standardized interface for heterogeneous graph representations of traffic scenes using the PyTorch-Geometric framework.


The package aims to serve as a flexible framework that, without putting restrictions on potential research directions, minimizes the time spent on implementing boilerplate code. Through its object-oriented design with highly flexible and extendable class interfaces, it is meant to be imported via pip install and utilized in a plug-and-play manner.


commonroad-geometric can be installed with:

pip install crgeo

Alternatively, clone from our gitlab repository:

git clone

and add the folder crgeo to your Python environment.

The installation script installs the commonroad-geometric package and all its dependencies into a conda environment. Execute the script inside the directory which you want to use for your development environment.

Getting Started

A tutorial on the main functionalities of the project is available here.


Eivind Meyer, Maurice Brenner, Bowen Zhang, Max Schickert, Bilal Musani

Contact information

